
TORIL di Laurent Teyssier

35° Bergamo Film Meeting

con Vincent Rottiers, Bernard Blancan, Karim Leklou, Gérard Meylan, Tim Seyfi
Francia, 1h24, v.o. francese sott. italiano

Opera prima di Laurent Teyssier, in bilico tra thriller poliziesco e tendenze documentaristiche. Philippe, piccolo trafficante in Camargue, tenta di salvare il padre dai debiti e dal suicidio, rivolgendosi a un boss della zona; le sue scelte avranno tragiche conseguenze. Da manuale il contrasto tra l'ambientazione assolata della Francia meridionale e la cupa materia di base: il regista rifiuta di omologarsi ai cliché del genere e dà vita a un film originale e personale, avvicinandosi agli stilemi del dramma sociale attraverso i volti provati dei suoi protagonisti. 

scheda a cura di Long Take


in programma
domenica 18 | ore 19.30 | Arcobaleno Filmcenter, sala 1


The story revolves around Philippe, a former drug dealer who is released from prison and finds out that his father, Jean-Jacques, is sick and crippled by debt. Having been a farmer for generations, Jean-Jacques cannot bring himself to accept the idea of selling his land. Seeking to win back the respect of his loved ones, Philippe decides to take over his father’s business during his convalescence. But he swiftly realises that he will never be able to earn enough money to stop the shed from being repossessed and succeed in saving the family farm. So he decides to turn to one of the region’s biggest drug dealers and suggest that he use the shed as a cover: a single delivery with the aim of wiping out his father’s debts in one fell swoop.




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