con Yu Aoi, Issey Takahashi, Ryota Bando, Yuri Tsunematsu, Minosuke Hyunri
Giappone, 1h56, v.o. giapponese sott. italiano
Un commerciante giapponese lascia la moglie per recarsi in Manciuria. Qui assisterà a qualcosa che potrebbe cambiare completamente la sua vita. Non si può svelare troppo di un film in cui i cambiamenti narrativi e i colpi di scena sono assolutamente fondamentali. L’eleganza dell’autore nipponico nella messinscena si nota fin dalle prime battute di questo lungometraggio delicato e potente al tempo stesso, assolutamente da non perdere.
Fonte: LongTake
The year is 1940 in Kobe, the night before the outbreak of World War II. Local merchant, Yusaku Fukuhara, senses that things are headed in an unsettling direction. He leaves his wife Satoko behind and travels to Manchuria. There, he coincidentally witnesses a barbarous act and is determined to bring it to light. He leaps into action. Meanwhile, Satoko is called on by her childhood friend and military policeman, Taiji Tsumori. He tells her that a woman her husband brought back from Manchuria has died. Satoko is torn by jealousy and confronts Yusaku. But when she discovers Yusaku’s true intentions, she does the unthinkable to ensure his safety and their happiness.
From Biennale Cinema 2020